John and I were chatting yesterday; how is it that 48 hours inside a ruined city might turn average folk into something like, "The Lord of the Flies"? John pointed out that bourbon was involved. Of course! I thought, people were drinking bourbon and
then shooting at helicopters. Bourbon has made shooting at things that move seem like a good idea for years in the
US. This revelation made us feel much better about my fellow man than we had been. We make our home in the
San Francisco Bay area, which, you may have heard, is prone to earthquakes. We were very unsettled by the thought of our neighbors taking pot shots at rescue workers after the next big quake.
Now we feel we should all be OK, as long as people do not substitute bourbon for water in the aftermath.
Our hearts go out to all the victims, but we beg those of you that have, stop acting like complete idiots.
Your situation is no excuse for this behavior; you should be acting like a better human, not an animal.
Try the bottled water, it goes well with bourbon.
Mike has a Blog. Yet another apocalyptic inevitability has come to pass. Sigh!
The world will now be treated to another Bay Area rant casserole crusty with the baked-on bread crumbs of insouciant indignation. Tisk, tisk!
If you were still here in the Northeast my friend and actually experiencing the change of seasons you'd be tougher than this. I fear the dreaded left coast influence may have taken a hold of you. California and "the blog" are characterized by one horrid unifying principle: "It's all about me."
I hope you and your blog can resist the temptation to wallow in the sticky sauce of narcissism. Remember: Pride makes it's own gravy.
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