MacGyver Move
Last night I went to pick up my bike at "Pod Bay Motors". She had been sitting in the Pod Bay overnight while the RTV that I used to plug the AIS spigots cured. Needless to say the AIS components seem to have disappeared from my bike, hmmmm. The RTV looked good, so I started it up and headed out to the safeway to pick up some milk. The bike starts to sputter and fail about a 1/4 mile down the road and my mind starts racing, "What did I forget?" I thought as the bike stalled completely on the side of the road. "Oh shit, I forgot to plug the vacuum spigot in the front cylinder intake manifold!" When I attempted to restart with some choke, she cranked like a sick-puppy but would not fire, that's when it hit me. "The petcock is 'OFF'!!!" DUH! She started on the third try after I turned the fuel supply back on. Of course she still had the open vacuum line and was running terrible, so I limped up to safeway and started thinking about what I can fix her with. Staring at the school supplies I found it! A package of slip-on pen grips and erasers, I also got some Krazy Glue™, just in case. The triangular purple slip on eraser fit over the vacuum line well, and the hose clamp almost made it around the thing! No Krazy Glue™ needed! I remember from grammar school that this type of 'aftermarket' eraser never really worked to fix mistakes, it was more like 3rd grade 'bling', or a replacement for the one that you already chewed off. As a vacuum cap, the little hunk of purple rubber works great!
Pod Bay Motors is happy to announce our weekly special!! Color Keyed Vacuum Caps©!!! Get Yellow, Blue, or 'Plumb Crazy' Purple!! Stock is limited so hurry in!
Pod Bay Motors is happy to announce our weekly special!! Color Keyed Vacuum Caps©!!! Get Yellow, Blue, or 'Plumb Crazy' Purple!! Stock is limited so hurry in!

Sheesh! Dude u must be a looser -- eraser caps r teh suck! U wouldn't last 15 mins on I-80 in Nev.
The Parrot Man
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