Hellu! Svedeesh Cheff here-a! I hefe-a impurtunt messege-a fur ell ooff yuoo sveeng futers oooot zeere-a. Oon Nufember 4t, my chueece-a is cleer es a bell, I vunt a Preseedent thet cun leed thees Neshun oooot ooff zeese-a derk teemes. Um gesh dee bork, bork! I vunt a Preseedent veet zee cuoorege-a tu stund up tu zee lubbyeests, und zee speceeel interests. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Must ooff ell I vunt a Preseedent thet veell chunge-a zee puleetics es usooel in Vesheengtun. Bork bork bork! Thet's vhy, oon Nufember 4t, I'll be-a futeeng fur Bereck Oobema, und I theenk thet yuoo shuoold tuu. Bork bork!
Well, as you know I've been an Obama-Mama for months, but if I were on the fence this celebrity endorsement would have sealed it for me.
Keep up the good vork!
I am sorry, but I am going to respectfully disagree with your politics, McCain Pallin all the way, a vote republican is a vote for a new America. (If I recall, you are not a gun owner, thus you are a Bad American, bad bad bad (3 or more guns to be a patriot).) A new America is way more mavricky ,more of a wild west well like Deadwood with more god, like god intended. I have too long listened to the boo hoo's of you liberals "I want health care, I want education, economic safety, transparent government, blah blah blah. I have a truck and a gun and a dream of America's total descent into total anarchy. Our only hope as a nation is to declare WAR on all foreign countries, and few of "them" blue states (preemptive). A republican president can make this happen, thus more jobs(military) and making less jobs overseas (kill the people taking our jobs) that's how you fix the economy. American are no longer living in total fear, we are losing our distrust of everyone and everything, the republicans will cure this weakness and make us strong again.
This incoherent ramble is approved by the "Fear and Hate will make Us Grate" arm of the GOP (greedy old people)
-I tried to make this as disjointed as one of Sarah's interviews.
I know for a fact that the Swedish Chef owns and uses a gun. Brought to you by factcheck.org
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