Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Riley has shifted his schedule at day-care to a half-day. This is a closer approximation to what his Kindergarten schedule will be starting in August. It also means that Jen is home with a pre-schooler and an infant for about 5-1/2 hours on the weekdays. Casey is doing good and Riley seems to like his little brother. Someday, I'm positive that we all get some sleep!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Easter weekend was busy, with the new baby and all. Somehow we all made sure that Riley had a fun project that would occupy some of his time, if not give him something to anticipate and focus on. Thus, we proudly present the "Bunny Cake!"

Riley is the head of jellybean application. It also has raisins, you like raisins.
Riley is the head of jellybean application. It also has raisins, you like raisins.
Labels: riley
Monday, April 09, 2007
Some baby photos
Casey is doing very well after his first week in the world. He eats well and sometimes he sleeps okay too. Today we finally gave him his first bath, and we are all about to head out for a walk to get some sun.

Labels: Casey
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
NetFlix birth
We got to the hospital at around 6:15am PDT Monday morning. Jen was set up with her iv by about 9am . We watched "The Departed" on the DVD player while the potosin did it's work, and Jen was having contractions by the time all the major violence was happening in Scorsese's Oscar winner. She seemed to progress slowly through the morning, the doctor did not break her water after a morning check, and a noon check. We made it through Harry Potter 3 without paying much attention to it, and Jen got her epidural at some point after Quidditch. The doctor broke her water around 2pm , which was soon after James Bond followed Goldfinger to America , and then contractions got very strong while James and Pussy Galore had their tryst in the barn. Soon after “Project Grand Slam” is foiled and Goldfinger gets sucked out the side of a jet, Jen was having very serious pain and the Doctor increased the drugs in her epidural. After fifteen minuets of some grueling contractions with no real decrease in pain, the nurses decided to check her again. They had checked her cervix about 1 hour previous and she was at 5cm -2 station, now she was 10cm +3!!! They had her do a short "test push" on the next contraction and I saw the baby's head! Her doctor had had to run across the parking lot from her office, she got there in record time. Once all was set and ready, Jen pushed through 3 contractions and we had a Casey!!! His head was not that deformed because he had moved through her pelvis like a roller coaster on the first drop. Later we watched "Casino Royale" while Casey got acquainted with his digestive system.
Labels: Casey