Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Social Music Cyber-Scene

For almost as long as I have had this Blog there has been a link to my page. That would be it on the right, the one that says "See What Michael Listens To". last is an audio scrobbler page that saves the names of songs I listen to and creates personal charts. It then introduces me to people that have similar musical tastes. Lately I have been being way more social than ever before on, and it has been a huge kick. I have met a handful of folks from the UK and a couple from here in the States. 1 or 2 from the Netherlands, and here and there. There are a ton of social networking sites on the web these days, but the thing I like most about last is that it does most of the work for me. All I really have to do is listen to music and all of a sudden a bunch of folks are knocking on my cyber-door. So if your looking to meet some folks that share your taste in music, you should drop-by and start scrobbling.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Baking Hot

Just Outta the Oven

With record high temperatures gripping the entire western U.S. I thought that it would be a good time to do some baking! The cinnamon rolls that I made this morning came out so nice that I had to share. If anyone is interested in making these, I highly recommend them. Here is the recipe
The only special thing that the recipe requires is a stand mixer with a dough-hook. One could knead the dough by hand I suppose. ENJOY!

Frosted and Ready to Eat!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Mid-Summer Photo Flood

Riley writes his name these days . He also types it out on the keyboard very well. He knows all the letters and seems to have a knack for spelling. Gets that from Mom no doubt. :-D

These pictures were all taken at Happy Hollow in San Jose. One of Riley's friends had his fourth birthday there. The last time we went there he was about 18 months old and he rode that car ride. It was the first carnival ride that he ever rode. He did much better with it on this trip, as the pictures shows. The first time he cried his head off.
Mom, Dad and Ri-Ri get ready to enjoy some 4th of July fireworks on "The Oval" at Stanford.

This is Ri's 4th Birthday party. It all went very well except for the singing of "Happy Birthday". That would be Riley hiding under the table crying about the singing. He was able to recover after we let him open a present. He is just not the, center-of -attention kind of kid right now. He doesn't understand that if he is wearing that cute Hawaiian shirt , he can't avoid it.