Elmo is a lowdown cheater
So we have been playing a great deal of "Chutes & Ladders" around the ol' homestead. Riley has the Sesame Street edition of the game, and 3 out of 5 times he will insist that he uses the Elmo marker. (No surprise) The problem is that Elmo is a cheater in every possible way. We're talking, the fake spin, the double-space tap, the space skip, and (my favorite) the insistence that elmo, "does not have to go down that slide." When Mom or Dad are playing with Riley we don't let him cheat at all, but Riley likes to play the game by himself, and that is when Elmo will win by a MILE! It's not so strange when I think about how Elmo is the first Sesame Street Muppet that never, ever seems to learn anything! I think Santa is going to have to bring us "Trouble", at least you can't fake the pop-o-matic ball.

In other news we had an OK time at the car show yesterday. It was a quick visit due to the Riley factor. He could have spent more time at the show, but there is only so much time that you can watch a kid ride a rotating platform with a 2007 Acura TL. I got to check out the new Volvos and Porsches, and some other stuff too. I got to talk with the owner of a 1963 Corrvette with factory fuel injection! It was great to see the HUGE crowd around the Tesla Roadster! They may just prove that if you build an electric car that is functional and fun, the world will beat a path to your door. I plan on hitting-up Marc for a road test sometime, and I'll be sure to write about it.

In other news we had an OK time at the car show yesterday. It was a quick visit due to the Riley factor. He could have spent more time at the show, but there is only so much time that you can watch a kid ride a rotating platform with a 2007 Acura TL. I got to check out the new Volvos and Porsches, and some other stuff too. I got to talk with the owner of a 1963 Corrvette with factory fuel injection! It was great to see the HUGE crowd around the Tesla Roadster! They may just prove that if you build an electric car that is functional and fun, the world will beat a path to your door. I plan on hitting-up Marc for a road test sometime, and I'll be sure to write about it.